Author: Ilgam GasimzadehThe Second Caucasian sheep-dog fancier's Association research project in Shemaxa, Ismailli and Agsy regions of AzerbaijanPhoto-report >>>The association of Fans of the Caucasian Sheep-dog of Azerbaijan had been organized the second expedition with the purpose of the description of native Caucasian Sheepdog. This time, the territory of monitoring had been chose winter pastures to the south of area Ahsu, Kjurdamir and Gobustan regions of Azerbaijan. All flocks have gone down from summer mountain pastures, began the period of birth of lambs. On winter pastures rather warmly and it is a lot of grass for a forage. Winter pastures cover territory in 2100 sq.km and owing to the help of local fans of Caucasian sheepdog and shepherds, expedition has lead monitoring, more the tenth part of their part. On winter pastures prevail dogs of young age (till 3rd years). According to shepherds, more adult dogs leave on rest in settlements before transition on summer pastures. Experience and forces of 2, 3 years old female dogs is enough for the prevention and protection on winter pastures. By then when will begin strong colds, young male dogs will gain sufficient experience. On winter pastures the sheep flocks are exposed to an attack of wolves-singles (jalguzag). Such wolves, attack on a flock without dependence from time of day. Attempts of an attack can occur both in the afternoon and at night. Except wolves - jalguzagov, it is a lot of jackals, a lynx and foxes. In connection with conservancy work and to restriction of hunting, the number of various predators has strongly increased. In cold snow winters they in large quantities gather near farms and sheep koshar. The quantity of a steppe lynx, which some copies unusually large for these subspecies has especially increased. In such years working qualities of flocks sheepdogs are difficult to overestimate. Irrespective of quantity of dogs at a flock, the scheme of protection always remains identical, visual detection of enemy a duty of young dogs, further go female dogs if at them is not present puppies, and the senior dogs-wolfhounds getting on the place highest and convenient for the review wait up to last turning point. In places of residing of families of shepherds, and also near farms sheep dogs independently organize circular protection. During expedition never it was possible to participants will come nearer to dwellings and to herd unnoticed. The basic purpose of expedition besides monitoring aboriginal dogs was the description of methods of the maintenance and selection of dogs by shepherds which are unfamiliar with modern methodes of selection and breeding. Shepherds Dzhali, Aliaga, Tarlan also Rza-man are holders of breeding lines fine Caucasian sheep dogs using ancient national traditions of breeding. These traditions cause in us especial interest as they grow out thousand-year experience of people in evolution of methods of optimisation of working qualities of dogs, correct revealing of the best puppies, etc. For example, much puppies have sixth finger. Though in this question there is no common opinion, biologists count it rudiment, an ancient attribute of the certain line. The fifth and sixth fingers could be formed of one as a result of a mutation, or it is a double finger. Polydactylism has the big practical value at movement of a dog on narrow footpaths and crevices - in rocks such paw creates a reliable support to a dog. Feed puppies with a mix from water from manufacture of the sheep cheese, the sheep milk and barley flour. Most perspective puppies feed separately, adding in their diet goat's milk. It is necessary to note that distinctions of preference Caucasian Sheepdogs among shepherds of foothill and high-mountainous areas, their requirement to female dogs and to puppies are revealed. Unfortunately, on recognition of shepherds, puppies frequently it is not simple scrap. They are simply destroyed with the purpose of restriction of number of flocks dogs. In Ahsu region of Azerbaijan we, to the big surprise, had been found out two large Caucasian sheep dogs of black colour with a white breast and paws that is not characteristic colour of dogs for this area. Growth in 75-78 cm, they have the massive head. Rare colour and very aggressive behaviour in relation to anothers have very much interested participants of expedition. Their owner, the shepherd Rza-kishi has told, that they have been brought by him from village Minkend, Lachin region of Azerbaijan, whence it has been expelled together with family, from all property it was possible to rescue only the most valuable, two little puppies. Its dogs are descendants of Black Kaplan, a legendary dog of these places which was so daring that could attack at once several wolves. Rza-kishi said that black colour meets very seldom in Azerbaijan both many breed owners and shepherds count it marriage. So has developed, that black Caucasian sheep-dogs were planted traditionally exclusively by shepherds-azerbaijanians of Minkend and Bilovik villages of Lachin area of Azerbaijan, where one of inhabitants has accustomed Caucasian sheep dog to hunting for a wild boar. They distinguished by the large sizes and are more aggressive. Shepherd Aliaga regret, that now this line is actually lost. It hopes, that its fellows villager too, could take out the dogs during deportation and asked us very much to learn places where can be dogs of this line were kept. The following object of monitoring of Association of Fans of Caucasian Sheep Dog of Azerbaijan will be northern areas of Azerbaijan. |