"BEK" (Kalbadzhar region of Azerbaijan) owner: N.Azizov
About ancient origin of Caucasian sheep-dog, advantages of its working qualities is written very much, and in this occasion there are no disputes. Caucasian sheep-dog (aboriginal breed) is pride of all peoples of Transcaucasia and Caucasus, but at the same time it and trouble of these peoples. After disorder of the Soviet Union, each of these sovereign republics tries to appropriate to herself the right of the founder of this breed. What only new names are not thought up: arsaks dog???, longhaired Georgian wolfhound, Azerbaijan gurdbasar (wolfhound), alanian dog, armenia Turkish, Kurds dog etc. If and further so will go that name of breed will be on each area and each village. And it will be by tragedy for breed. About a heavy situation with Caucasian sheep dog in Azerbaijan in 70 and in the beginning of 90 last centuries, was enough written in republican press. But after 1995 the situation began to be improved. Many cattle-breeding facilities having quite good (not for exhibition) dogs, with good working qualities have appeared. Also that is especially pleasant, has revived, the dyed out steppe version of shorthaired dogs - steppe type the sheep dog of Azerbaijan would seem. It is one of types of Caucasian sheep dog distributed on all regions. Large quantity of these dogs lived in steppe areas of Azerbaijan. In general, by virtue of climatic conditions (in Azerbaijan 7 climatic belts(zones)), and also that historically animal industries is more advanced in territory of Southern and Northern Azerbaijan, all types of Caucasian sheep-dogs live in our republic. In high-mountainous areas, boarded with Georgia and Armenia, there are dogs of a so-called mountain type - longhaired CO, in an average strip - areas close to Dagestan - dog with an intermediate wool (I consider as the best type CO, with excellent working qualities, it is perfect feel itself as in enough cold mountain districts,, and in hot areas. For example, easily undergo colds, exceeding a minus of 30 degrees in the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic, and heat reaching till 40-45 of degrees in low steppe areas of republic.) By the way, best Caucasian sheep-dog USSR on a nickname Topush, had a woolen cover of an intermediate type. If to look after a history of occurrence Caucasian sheepdogs, during many years issued as in the Soviet time, and now, it is possible to notice, that at all authors, as solid (first of all A.Mazover, V.Kalinin,T.Ivanova, A.Morozova, magazine "Friend", and also young magazine " Aboriginal dogs of Caucasus and Asia ") and not especially competent, one version about an origin of Caucasian dog does not cause disputes, i.e. ancestor Tibetan mastiff, further Assyrians dog etc. I want to pay attention the fans of Caucasian sheepdogs on such circumstance. Not taking away your attention on a detail, roughly speaking, having lowered with Tibet, a little having changed, the dogs have got in a hot climate of Near East, and further in Transcaucasia. That is why it is quite natural, that at all these dogs and it is quite logical at a final product Caucasians sheep-dog the short woolen cover should prevail, and is closer to mountains of Caucasus, intermediate and long. Caucasians shorthaired sheep dog is a reality. Per 30 years of the last century, when beginnings to be carried out mass export of dogs on territory of Russia for service usage, the preference was given back to dogs of Georgia, as was considered, that longhaired dog will endure cold more easy severe frosts, and probably, in a favor to a then management of USSR, that also proved to be true by the published facts. But is thought, as shorthaired, and with an intermediate woolen cover the dogs would cope with frosts of Siberia. You see the Rottweilers, Mastiffs etc. have got accustomed there. Steppe shorthaired Caucasians sheep-dog - dog of large growth (height in haul reaches till 70-80 ) with the large head, skeleton easier, than at longhaired dogs. An index of bone on the average 17,3. Oval form eyes form - almond-shaped. Length of a woolen cover 3-5 cm (at intermediate 5-7, longhaired -14 cm ). Color: white, grey, brown, spotty - white with brown or black spots (the black background with white spots is undesirable). Is especially appreciated golden-red color (refers to as in the people "golden"). Shorthaired dog have higher working qualities, than longhaired. It is possible to judge it on the following examples. With ancient times till the present in the dog fights take part the overwhelming majority shorthaired dogs or with intermediate pile. Till 1953, when in Azerbaijan territory in a subtropical zone lived dyed out turans tigers and leopards, Caucasian sheep-dog from flocks (in that time in flock the number of dogs reached till 15-20) attacked an animal. 5-6 dogs are easy scared a bear. The purpose of given clause to remind to pseudo-patriots, that is not necessary to assimilate to politics dividing all and everything, from grounds up to the peoples. Caucasian sheep-dog are given to us by the god, nature and traditions of our ancestors. Chief task of the fans of this breed, first of all not in applying for the one to whom it belongs, and in keeping it in primeval kind, to not spoil by demands of the experts of "shows - exhibitions". "Caucasian" allowing to the judge get into it mouth, everything, only not Caucasian. Caucasian sheepdog without aggression and rage to another's is only vast poodle.