CAUCASIANS SHEEP DOG OF AZERBAIJAN. THE FACTS, HISTORY AND THE FUTURE Ilgam Gasimzadeh Recently there is a large discussion on an accessory CS (Caucasian shepherd (dog)) to the certain region or country. Each party tries to prove, that CS is their national breed. Caucasian sheep-dog in connection with wide area of distributions including extensive territories with various landscape and climatic conditions, and also because of geographical apartness of separate regions, were got with significant external distinctions. On the photos you see the representatives of a mountain and steppe types of Caucasian sheep dog of Azerbaijan.
Gurd Boatswain Mountain type Steppe type
Mr. A.Mozover in the book " Breeding business in services dog-breeding" (publishers "DOSAF" 1954.) writes: In Azerbaijan SSR among Caucasian sheep dogs two types differ. One meets in mountain areas, which are coming nearer to Georgian, obviously usual at the large influence last, and second - in steppe areas, strong and dry constitution, with more long pads, shorthaired, with, more extended, dry head. For dogs Azerbaijan SSR is characteristic red color with darker mask seldom meeting in other areas. There is a large percent spotty (about 30 %), meeting more often in steppe areas. Index of prolixity dogs of mountain areas same, as at Georgian. In steppe areas frequently there are short dogs an index prolixity 100-102. I think, that the world famous Soviet scientist À. Mazover precisely has described Azerbaijan aboriginal sheep-dogs and his description can be used for the further work with CS of our region. Though skilled herdsman and selectors, against division of dogs into mountain and steppe types. They consider, that both these of a type, longhaired and shorthaired, meet both in mountain, and in steppe areas of our country. Most of Azerbaijani an herdsmans prefer shorthaired type Caucasian sheep-dogs. It is a separate theme. We shall return to it later. In 1949 large enthusiast of service dog breeding O.D. Koshkina first was carried out Caucasian sheep dogs to the Leningrad. In 1953 N.N. Chernishev has brought for nurseries for security of protection of the enterprises of Lensovnarxoz dogs from Georgia and Azerbaijan. Among these dogs were breeding sire: Gurdzhi, Thunder, Tfan. All these dogs were different types. In May 1959 Lensovnarxoz has carried out the most significant delivery of dogs from Azerbaijan. In the same year in Moscow at an All-Union exhibition in Moscow were bought male dogs from Georgia - Bar and Reef including in the further cultivation. The son of a Reef Rem became subsequently all-Union winner and champion VDNH. And, so in formation of cultured of factory breeds dogs of Azerbaijan were actively used. At the given moment a course of the analysis of works with cultured Caucasian sheep-dogs, show, that the working qualities of these dogs strongly have decreased. Frequently there are "shows - dog", which have only exterior. Now in Russia to correct a situation, the question of inflow of blood of aboriginal dogs has risen. As the country - patron of breed Caucasian sheep-dog, consider Russia. On the threshold of conference on CS, where the project of creation of breed " North Caucasian wolfhound " or shorthaired CS will be decided also, it would be desirable that for dogs fans of Russia will not forget about Caucasian sheep dog of Azerbaijan. For today, all fans of CS of Azerbaijan have such question: if our dogs Caucasian sheepdog , why them do not specify as Caucasian sheep dog, or even do not define a type? If it are aboriginal dogs, why them actively used for creation Caucasian sheep dog and at the given moment again come back to this question?