
                                               Author:Ilgam Gasimzadeh

                          Whether the dog fights are necessary?

         The dog fights - a show for the satiated persons or necessity? In this article we express especially personal opinion, on the basis of supervision during several tens years. Fights of dogs are necessary for those animals whose daily duties security service, and first of all should possess necessary fighting skills. In many respects it concerns Caucasian, Central Asian sheep-dogs, which basic specialization - a wolfhound.


                     Under the certificate of numerous historical sources (and as a whole all researchers converge in a common opinion) the Caucasian and Central Asian sheep-dogs since the most ancient times and till 20-th century except for the basic shepherd's work, were applied in ancients armies, medieval east governors as fighting dogs, protected outpost and fortresses, attacked scouts and enemies, destroying them. In first half 19-th centuries commander of Russian armies Stistianov in the attached territories created posts, in the won cities and fortresses has created security divisions in which the Caucasian sheep-dogs successfully battling not only with the pedestrian soldiers, but also with cavalryman. Later after final takeover of Transcaucasia by Russia, these dogs bore service on border with Iran and Turkey. In a peace time these dogs protected flocks, dwelling of the person not only from wolves, but also from large predators, such as a lynx, a bear, the leopard and a tiger. About an attack of several dogs on tigers in different regions of Azerbaijan it is known till 1953 when last turans tiger has disappeared

          In one of numbers of magazine " Friend " in the beginning of this year article about wolfhounds of Caucasus and Central Asia has been published (authors are not mentioned, as they really competent experts, but probably are not thoroughly familiar with a history of wolfhounds, that is quite natural as it is impossible to capture all breeds) in which was put under doubt ability of the Caucasian sheep-dog to cope with the wolf, and in magazine Native dogs of Caucasus and Asia have been described a case when at an attack of wolves on a flock all dogs have run up, except for a dog who is constant take part in the dog fights. Champions-, which both on a ring are known and in fight showed outstanding results. Dog-breeder A.Rjabinin describes a history of the Caucasian sheep-dog of 30th years on nickname "Topush" (by the way brought in the book of the best elite dogs of the Union) which one went on 3 wolves, and for all life has destroyed more than 100 predators. All this will cause in many present dog-breeders at the best a smile of mistrust. However above described there is a simple explanation. The Caucasian and Central Asian sheep-dog possesses a cutting and suffocating sting. At single combat with several predators the wolfhound applies techniques of a cutting sting. Now meets less than the real wolfhounds.

         In Azerbaijan and as a whole on Caucasus from the end of 60th years up to the middle of 90th years of the last century situation with  native dog was menacing. Reached that to Caucasus began to bring puppies from all regions of Russia, Ukraine and other republics USSR.

                But the most surprising that the brought puppies, the having parents reached of 90 and more cm in withers, here on Caucasus and Transcaucasia, came nearer to the native standard. 

Now gradually situation with a dogs has improved. Young shepherds contain basically and select dogs by old, antiquated methods. And dogs very well protect flocks and the property of owners from wolves, bred last time in Azerbaijan. Being eyewitnesses, we can approve, that in 1977 one wolfhound at a flock, bit to death two wolves.

          Coming back to the basic theme - whether are necessary the dog fights - Yes!

   Practicality and common sense are basis of all peoples custom and national tradition. It   concern of dogs fights of Caucasian sheep dogs.

     In fights determine best of the best dogs. Such competitive fights allow determining the dog of strong spirit with good physique.  In Transcaucas centuries had rules of carrying out dogs fights. Fights were arranged during national holidays, emphasizing tradition. Dogs of breed of Caucasian sheepdog participated in fights the sheep dog only.

There was a system of definition of the best dog. To begin the champion among Caucasians, the dog should win all season. Absolute champion was determined once a year, at closing a season of fights for Novruz holiday. (in Central Asia the ending of fights falls at the same period of year). Legends about champions were transferred from generation to generation. Outstanding dogs passed in the category of cultural wealth and were not on sale for any money.

According to rules of fights, which are carried out now in Azerbaijan, a dog the showing passivity, which has begun to whimper during fight, or showing, is considered, a grin lost. There are numerous facts when skilled fighters, doubtless favorites stopped fight and further did not fight any more. Owners of such dogs (by the way from the point of view of professional dog breeders not so competent) there and then approved, that the opponent has grinned. Thank God, that video cameras as the judge could not make out a grin at fighted dogs have appeared. And only so-called control viewing confirmed, that the grin was. It testifies to wit. Nobleness of Caucasian is that it   does not finish off the opponent, "understanding" competitive character of fight. In the nature with a predator of mercy will not be.

         What is possible to tell about so-called fighting dogs - pit bull terrier, the American bulldogs and etc.        They are certainly interesting animals though opinions of dog breeders on them miss diametrically. Incorporated at creation modern fighting breeds the such qualities, as: endurance, persistence, persistence, ability to fight up to the end and blind aggression to all dog sort in a result stand to these dogs not so good service. Now many of fight breeds of dog associate at average man with bloody and ruthless gladiators and more and more countries enter an interdiction on cultivation of similar dogs. Though, to compare bull terrier to the gladiator incorrectly. Gladiators died on arena, and these unfortunate dogs die not only in fighting rings, but also after fights and not only from wounds, but also from overstrain.

Lasting many hours fights are extremely tiresome, and cause passion only in owners of dogs, at which already in the greater degree not so much sports interest, as material welfare, as participants of a tote. Except for that the system of carrying out of fights among pit bull terriers and definition of the champion, to put it mildly, is original.   Fights of Caucasian sheep dogs allow to reveal really the best dog of region it is not absolutely clear that especially valuable comes to light in pit bull terrier fights. Therefore it seems a little bit severe rules of fights of pit bull terriers it is necessary to soften and regulate.        

 On one of videocassettes, having seen fight outstanding Caucasian sheepdog Gabo (I.Semenovu's thanks for such dog) with pit bull terrier, is difficult to not be struck cruelty and an ingratitude of the owner of pit bull terrier  (the surname was not remembered) which did not stop fight though his dog was actually already dead.  Is it sports interest; is it love to a dog, which for the sake of whim of the owner has given the life?

 The nature of fighting qualities of modern fighting dogs and Caucasian sheep dogs completely different. Caucasians and Asians it is born soldiers.  In the millennia imparted the certain fighting qualities for strict definite purposes. Therefore Caucasian sheep dog possesses knack to analyze a situation, counting the further actions, and aggression on strictly certain result, as against blind fury of pit bull terrier, etc.

During the time of fights of pit bull terrier with Caucasian, the first repeatedly show his teeth, whine, squeals, and Caucasian naturally weakens bite. And all begins all over again. Caucasian bothers and leaves from a ring, does not lose, and leaves. On the overlooked videos with the mixed fights  Caucasian have not begun to whimper.

 Yes, Caucasian necessary to train, though it is very difficult, possible to learn any other breed, a wolfhound to much cultural will not learn. It security qualities perfectly develop, training on development of congenital aggression perceives quickly. And if strongly to develop at it this quality, the dog can become unguided.

          Familiar to me Caucasian sheep dog, living in suburb of Baku, having attacked two thieves who have got in a court yard, bit for death one also has seriously crippled another.         

         Fights are necessary they should be carried out. Under condition of if ancient traditions and rules of carrying dog fights. In this case, it will be competitive duels with the reasonable rigidity, allowing to reveal the champion and to temper mentality of a dog, in conditions of struggle.


Fights which turn to bloody fights, frequently with the fatal outcome, are represented us a disgusting show.       


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